


“welcome, welcome, welcome,

ok, now i lost my place…


welcome, welcome, welcome,

he’s been the king of every ball he’s ever been to,

and if you saw him box-step it would absolutely floor you.

he’s got these moves,

so, don’t miss them if you get the chance,

if you saw him shake a leg,

you’d know he can really


(i was flustered at this point and forgot to introduce him, but i was talking about pepito)

alright, there we go

it was better the first time i did it with,

with my mic off

it was a lot more natural sounding



pepito, the important thing is

how are you

i’m so fucking good

absolutely. i love to hear it.

let’s do this thing,

we’re staying alive,

it’s cavemen news,

episode 35.


(i accidentally hit the button to play pepito’s segment instead of playing the beat like i should have)

no, that’s not it.

i was bragging about how i had everything figured out and i wasn’t going to make any nalfunctions anymore

but, i, there is already two off the bat

ok, let, let’s get to the the theme of the show playing,

so i can take a breather.”

pepito’s custom shirt


-conda had his mis off while doing the intro jam, and then forgot to turn it on before diving into his introduction of pepito. pepito didn’t bring it up to conda, because he thought maybe his headphones were messing up, or maybe conda was doing it on purpose. luckily, “hivemindful” in the chat let conda know he wasn’t being heard.

-pepito had a robotic sounding voice for some reason

-conda tried to pull up pepito’s beat, but accidentally pulled up pepito’s segment

-conda turned his mic off for pepito’s beat and forgot to turn it back on again

-conda’s mic level somehow dropped during pepito’s segment

-conda burnt himself again while lighting the hookah coal to drop incense on, but he can’t figure out where put the incense tongs he used to have to hold the coals while lighting them, so he will probably burn himself again next week

-conda dropped his hookah coal in an old bowl made out of oven-bake clay and after a few minutes way too much smoke and an unnatural scent (plastic-like?) started pouring out. he thought the only thing in that clay bowl was some candle wax, but there had to be something else

-eventually the smoke alarm started going off because of whatever was billowing out of the incense bowl
