


-i called the carlsbad tavern the cactus tavern, but in my defense, i don’t care

-swelling is a verb, but i was trying to make verb out of the adjective swell, which isn’t usually made into a verb, but i was wrong to say swelling isn’t a verb, because it can be. just not the way i was using it.

-somewhere around minute 25 pepito said something pepito said something and i didn’t hear him and just kept trudging along with what i wanted to say.

-i got forgot what i just heard and whether the word used was literary or liberal. can’t remember the context, but on my one rewatch i noticed this mistake and wrote it down.

-in a similar vein i accidentally credited teddy roosevelt with saying something that woodrow wilson said, minutes after hearing about it. i guess presidents kind of blend together in mind. maybe they should work harder to make an impression in my mind. which one of them invented the stuffed toy bear?

-when i switched back to our regular scene after pepito analyzed the “wizard of id” from august 4th, 1970, i had accidentally left the boo sound effect and beat playing so they both kicked on.

-the acting episode was 31, not 30.

-i made a typo in the credits. it should have said “additional footage”, not “addional”. the window i typed the text in was pretty small, i think even someone with great sight would have overlooked that. you might say, “well, fair enough, but then the caption was huge on the screen and in red, didn’t you watch it back to make sure it was right before using it?” and if you did say that to me, i would say, “yeah, i watched it back, but i was thinking of and looking at other things.” did you even consider that?


welcome, wlecome, welcome

he’s back, he’s not gone again this week, we have the return

he’s here to fight the bored, with his big ass sword

he is here to delight the viewers and deliver joy and pleasure

he’s with us again, he’s our national treasure

this man is, pepito

i keep forgetting to ask you

pepito, how are you?

soooooo good


i’m glad that you said that. it is refreshing every time

and that is a great way to start things off


we’re here to deliver to the people

this is, to the depths of france, and to the peaks of nicaraua,

this is cavemen news episode 33, “chautauqua”

