this was a wild episode. pepito went completely off script. we had made a rule that he wasn’t allowed to bring up cyber trucks on the stream anymore, because they are so bad and annoying, and pepito decided to quadruple down and go over the top with being an elon musk fan. i’m sure it is a bit, but it is an annoying one. i’m going to take measures to ensure this doesn’t happen again. a return to the normal is on the horizon and there is hope for this show.

pepito’s shirt was really cool this week despite the content; judging just an execution it was incredible.

episode 27 “monster trucks


pepito beat/segment

pepito’s shirt for this episode. would be an a+ except for the cybertruck bullshit. (the tires are so cool looking, though)



“while i’m getting tangled up in the wires,

he’s riding high above the city on some big ass tires,

he’s a survivor,

he’s a thriver,

and you know he’s our driver,

this man is PEPITO”


-conda accidentally had the delay pedal switched on while introducing the show (he tried to stop his casio keys loop and started a new loop of his voice on accident, and it didn’t kick in until ten or twenty seconds in and conda had no idea why he was hearing himself again. he thought it was a problem with our broadcasting software (oBS) but it was the old boss dd-7 pedal double stomp that caused the chaos.

- conda accidentally switched to his red filtered angry camera, spoiling the surprise of it’s return. he wanted to only reveal that when he called out pepito for flagrantly breaking the show’s ban on cybertrucks by wearing one on his custom shirt.that made him more angry.

-later on, after he was done being angry at pepito, conda positioned the angry back on where cobra the cat lays, so we could check in on cobra and have a peaceful moment, but he had the camera positioned all bad and staring up at the ceiling?

-conda accidentally said 66 inches was 6 foot 6, but it is actually 5 foot 6. no one corrected him, so in a sense we all messed up.

-pepito repeatedly brought up cyber trucks despite our vow to not show that dumb stuff anymore

sources (from the current argus)

i realize i should do this better so i people who are interested can see what source was published what day, but that is for the future. at this point i’, the only one who reads this, so i ain’t wasting a ton of time.